Getting the Most from Assessment
Fourth Grade Teacher Catherine Crenshaw from Beaverton, Oregon wrote a fantastic article about building targeted and data-informed instruction using the IRLA Formative Assessment Framework in her classroom.
"Along with classroom observations and a host of valuable resources, my school district uses the Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA) as a tool to get to know our students as readers. A quality assessment is a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled educator. The IRLA consists of cold reads, a variety of phonics screeners, and numerous resources for collecting information on students’ reading strengths and weaknesses. This data enables me to target instruction specifically to the needs of the individual student. When I finish administering this assessment, I know my readers intimately and can develop instructional plans that are tailor made to each individual student."
"With the IRLA, I look forward to assessing my students because of the wealth of relevant information I glean about my young readers."
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