Philadelphia Public Schools Receive Thousands of New Books for New School Year

American Reading Company, in partnership with the School District of Philadelphia, has created custom leveled libraries to enhance the district’s first-semester ELA instruction. These collections include a combination of paired core titles, Read-Alouds, and independent libraries designed to support both grade-level instruction and differentiation. See the themes and titles selected for each grade K-3 (PDF).

Hartranft Elementary School was one of 40 schools in the school district receiving classroom libraries.

Nakisha Whittington (left), early literacy specialist at Hartranft School in North Philadelphia, and student-based teacher leader Kimberly Mattaway unboxing books for a second-grade classroom Wednesday with Rodney Johnson, director of early literacy. Right, Principal Jason Lytle gives a box of materials to Tiffany Gant, a second-grade teacher. The Philadelphia School District and the William Penn and Lenfest Foundations are investing $30 million to improve literacy. Source

ARC's BOOKS in HAND service allows partners to pick their Core Texts, Read-Alouds, and Small-Group Texts, if desired. ARC’s Curriculum & Instruction team utilizes our database of more than 100,000 titles and coordinates with more than 250 publishers to find the best books that match curriculum requirements. We then provide the district team with a shopping experience that allows them to sift through the options in consultation with ARC Curriculum experts and make the final decisions.

Read the full story - Phila. Public Schools Receive Thousands of New Books for New School Year

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