Providence School Board Approves ARC Core Curriculum
The school board unanimously approved a $2.8 million contract with the American Reading Company (ARC) for its curriculum starting June 1 and ending Aug. 31, 2021. The curriculum would be paid for with local and federal funds over the course of FY20 and FY21.
The American Reading Company was chosen by twenty of twenty-two elementary school teams tasked with looking at vendors. ARC was the only vendor that offered an extensive Spanish curriculum, Supervisor of Literacy Clarise Brooks said during the May 18 finance committee meeting.
"Turnaround is not a three year proposition," school board vice president and finance committee chair Nina Pande said. "To me, turnaround is a minimum of ten years. I hope that this curriculum provides that framework that we need to start moving towards ensuring every child has access to high quality instruction and high quality teachers."
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