Summer Learning Essentials

Engaging, content rich, user-friendly resources to support skill-building and learning in any environment.

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Explore ARC's Summer Learning Essentials by downloading your free samples today!

High-Dosage Tutoring

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ARC Accelerator™

Secondary and elementary intervention programs that help students build skills toward their grade level and beyond.

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IRLA/ENIL Toolkits and Foundational Skills Toolkits®

Enable differentiated, targeted, and efficient skills instruction in small groups, one-to-one tutoring, or summer settings. Available in Y–Pu in English and A–Bl in Spanish.

Take-Home Resources to Build Skills

practice packs
Practice Packs

Independent student activities to review essential reading skills, including phonics, decoding, encoding, and morphology, as well as math practice. Packs contain a student workbook and 3–5 skill-building books to add to home libraries. Available in English and Spanish.

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Grab & Go Packs

Ensure students can continue learning and building knowledge about the world at home, during summer months. Perfect for all learners, including multilingual learners and those with limited or no internet access. Available for Grades PreK–8 in English and Grades PreK–5 in Spanish.*

summer take home kits
Take-Home Kits

Allow students to self-select their summer reading books in order to reduce screen time and combat summer slide and unfinished learning. Available for Grades K–12 in English, Spanish, and bilingual kits.

summer research quests
Research Quests

Includes four-week knowledge-building units with corresponding eLibraries, designed for both synchronous and asynchronous learning environments. Available for Grades K–5 in English and Spanish.

High-Quality Summer Curriculum

Summer Semester

Summer Semester is an English Language Arts curriculum specifically designed to extend learning into summer. Perfect for programs that are focused on building knowledge, these resources ensure ease of use for instructors. Content can be delivered in a traditional classroom, local community center, or outside in nature. With Summer Semester, students will become:

  • Experts on a topic of their choice through daily research
  • Avid readers through engaging independent reading
  • Authors as they edit, revise, and publish their own informational text

Watch It in Action

Learn more about how ARC Summer Semester creates independent, engaged learners whose final projects showcase both content knowledge and ELA skills.

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Contact Information

480 Norristown Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422

(866) 810-2665

* Our evidence-based solutions are eligible for various federal, state, and local funding programs.

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